
Saturday, April 9, 2011

This week I'm grateful for... My Mum

She is the most wonderful mother and grandmother - such a wonderful role model and mentor for my girls. Not only is she doing her PhD, but she takes time to do the little things with the girls, like making cupcakes. Love you mum!

Pop over to Maxabell Loves to see what other people are grateful for this week!


  1. Your mum is a great role model for you and your kids! (and is obviously a very clever lady!)

  2. I get all teared up whenever a 'Mum' Grateful comes up. It's like the links between us as mums and our own mums are strengthened every time. x

  3. This is a seriously nice grateful! I like your mum too - she's cool :-)
    thanks for visiting me while I was absent - I'm back now :-)

  4. That is adorable. I am envious. I will be a Mum like that when my children have littlies of their own!

    (Popping over from Maxabella's. I am a new follower!)

    Diminishing Lucy xx
